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We amplify courageous actions in Alberta communities for equitable prosperity



We connect, collaborate with, and amplify the work of Albertans in Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, and Social Technology to drive community impact.

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We Want to Amplify Actions That...

Develop innovative models, tools, and best practices in business and technology that are accessible, understandable, and practical for organizations and individuals focused on social impact.

Connect social impact focused individuals and organizations with each other and the broader ecosystem

Connect social impact innovation, entrepreneurship, and technology ecosystems with each other

Ways to Engage

Interested in learning more? Book a time with our staff or email Christine Spottiswood  to connect and learn more. 

Sign up below to be the first to know about all things regarding Flourish Alberta!

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pssst... our new website is on the way

We are working hard to compile all the history and resources AB Seed, ABSI Conect, and CSIT have compiled over their years of impact.

Sign-up below to be the first ones to know about our new website launch!

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Flourish Alberta Was Formerly...


We are building the social economy ecosystem in Alberta by enhancing collaboration, communication, and strategization of leaders and contributors working in the social economy. 

 - AB Seed

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Alberta Social Innovation Connect (ABSI Connect) seeks to Find, connect, celebrate, and support Albertans who are creating and testing new ways of approaching society's most pressing problems. 

- ABSI Connect

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The vision of the Centre is to catalyze an innovation ecosystem in Calgary around technology that is not only socially beneficial but socially transformative (responsible, open, inclusive, shared, and regenerative). 


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